By Hannah Looper May 3, 2021
“Sweet like honeycomb.” Gracious words, or gentleness is a fruit that all of our lives as believers must be seasoned with (Proverbs 16:24).
By Hannah Looper March 31, 2021
“Do the next right thing.”
By Hannah Looper February 17, 2021
What does it mean when something is “ good ?”
By Hannah Looper January 13, 2021
Biblical kindness is not based on how we feel, it is the position of our hearts.
By Hannah Looper January 13, 2021
You may have heard it said that “Patience is a virtue,” or “Patience is waiting without complaint.”
By Hannah Looper October 26, 2020
What is Peace? Is it a feeling? A presence? It is much more.
By Hannah Looper October 22, 2020
Some seasons bring us to our knees in prayerful surrender, others bring praise. True joy is in them both.
By Hannah Looper October 7, 2020
A Study of the Fruit of the Spirit
Photo of person on edge of cliff
By Hannah Looper September 29, 2020
Facing hardships with Gods Grace
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