Domus Lucis Banner
Domus Caeli Banner
Domus Terrae Banner
Domus Solis Banner
Domus Avium Banner
Domus Regis Banner


In boarding schools, there is a long tradition of assigning new students to houses, a group of students of all ages, which creates an immediate family while the students are away from home. While we are not a boarding school, our students do spend a major part of their day within these halls, so in December of 2010, we adopted a system of six houses. Sixth graders and new students are sorted into their houses on the first day of school. The houses give younger students an immediate sense of belonging in the upper school and allows older students to become mentors. Houses are a place of fun, fellowship, and friendly competition.


Our house system is rooted in scripture from Genesis 1, the creation story.


Day 1- The creation of light, is represented by Domus Lucis


Day 2- The creation of the sky and seas, is represented by Domus Caeli


Day 3- The creation of land, plants, and trees, is represented by Domus Terrae


Day 4- The creation of the sun, moon, and stars, is represented by Domus Solis


Day 5- The creation of the birds and fish, is represented by Domus Avium


Day 6- The creation of land animals and man, is represented by Domus Regis


Throughout the year, houses compete for the house cup and the spirit award. The house cup winner is determined by points which can be earned through merits and lost through demerits. Points can also be earned during house games. The games include athletic competitions, such as volleyball, soccer, and ultimate frisbee, as well as more cerebral pursuits such as chess, scrabble, and quiz bowl. The spirit award is given to the house which enthusiastically demonstrates a love for their house and all of its members. They cheer at games, cheer on their sister house, create mentorships and friendships. The bonds of Christ-like love are obvious to those around these house members. This is what the house system is really all about.

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