Joy is not the superficial tingle of exuberance or euphoria. It is not measured in the way we feel but rooted in who we are, Christ’s children, and in the ultimate sovereignty of His will.
Oswald Chambers, an early-twentieth-century author and teacher quotes that “Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.” The word “faith” could easily be interchangeable with the word “joy,” because our faith should naturally produce joy. Notice his word choices: “deliberate” and “confidence.” Our deepest level of joy is in our ability to choose to see His goodness in every circumstance. The Psalmist David echoes this same call. In Psalm 21:13-14, He says, “I will remain confident in this. I will see the goodness of the Lord.” The fruit of our Joy is not in our emotional sense of contentment, but an unwavering choice of trust, good or bad.
Joy, however, does not discredit our pain but instead re-purposes it. It is the hope of the promise that Jesus is with us always and His plan is bigger than our own. In the heat of our suffering, joy is surrender, not defeat. And in this surrender, you will see the joy that can only be found in Him, and from it, everything else will flow.
Katie Davis, missionary in Uganda once said “When we cannot find joy in our circumstances, we can find joy in God who is unchanged and unchanging, we can rejoice, not in what is going on around or within us, but because God is our strength and He will continue to be.” In moments where joy is hard to find, remember how far the Lord has brought you and will continue to bring you.
Because of this truth, even when your body has nothing left to give, he is faithful to restore. Even when you feel as though grief has gutted you, he still fills. That joy you long for is just around the corner. It is not in circumstance, it is in Him. And then you will see, you will testify..that even in the lowest of lowest, He will be exalted.
A Ministry of Evangel Church PCA