From Fear to Faith

Hannah Looper


Facing hardships with Gods Grace


“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

What a powerful verse to claim as we navigate the end of the very long, tiresome year of 2020.

Often in the heat of hardships, we lose sight of who is with us: the same God who was present with his

people since the beginning of time is the same God who is fueling our hearts and minds with his power

and love.

The Bible speaks a lot about adversity, but it speaks even more of hope. In the Old Testament, many

stories recount God’s people fulfilling the calling the Lord equipped them for, all while including the

struggles, fear, and doubt that they faced. Those doubts and fears are included for a reason. The

scriptures highlight the struggles but provide the promise of deliverance. In 1 Kings 19, the prophet Elijah,

fleeing to the wilderness disappointed and fatigued from all he had endured, cries out to God, even

praying that he might die, saying, “I have had enough, Lord,” (19:14) But what happened? The Lord sent

an angel who provided him food in his exhaustion. In Genesis 12, despite Abram’s being called to leave

his country behind, the Lord says that he will bless him, giving him a great name and making him into a

great nation. In Genesis, Joseph went from prisoner to prince, but not without first being mocked by his

brothers, sold into slavery, and thrown into prison. In every story, those hardships play out to become

pivotal in the plan and purposes that Jesus has created. Jesus knows what he’s called his people to, then

and now. Just as he did then, he still brings his people through.

Our stories are no different than any of these. The same Jesus who led his people through the Red Sea is

the same God who is reigning on the throne of heaven today.

Is it natural to fear? Yes. Is it natural to have doubts? Yes. But Scripture always follows this principle with

a promise:

“Do not fear...for I am with you.” Isaiah 41:10

"For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps

you.” Isaiah 41:13

You shall not fear them, for it is the LORD your God who fights for you." Deuteronomy 3:22

We are not alone. God doesn’t promise the absence of trouble, but he does promise his presence--and

that is the power Paul claims in 2 Timothy 1:7. Through his Spirit we have the same power to claim today

when we face adversity that the saints of old claimed before us.

There are some days when we might not even feel capable of this kind of faith. But God doesn’t call the

capable, he calls the broken and the hurting. Our very fear is what qualifies us to come! This is His grace!

As John 16 says, there will be trouble in the world. But with Christ there is peace. We will see his

goodness, because as he says, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.” (16:33).



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