Logic Drama is a co-curricular for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade ECCS students designed to improve communication and improvisational skills, while teaching them to memorize and perform with excellence. The culmination of the year is the production of their Spring Play in early May.



Rhetoric Drama I is an extra-curricular that meets twice a week in conjunction with Music and Fine Art. In addition to developing performance and improvisational skills, students also learn about the history of Western theater and how it has evolved over the centuries. The Rhetoric Drama I class produces a play each Spring.



Advanced Rhetoric Drama: Advanced Rhetoric Drama is a five-day elective that builds on skills the students learn in Rhetoric Drama I. Students perform a full-length play by a well-known playwright or an adaption of classic literature in the spring.



The Classical Chronicle: The Classical Chronicle is the digital newspaper of Evangel Classical Christian School. Founded in 2017 by Rhetoric student Lindsey Culpepper, the Classical Chronicle is staffed by students from 6th to 12th grades. Students who are interested in journalism gain valuable hands-on experience in copywriting, reporting, fact-checking, and interviewing, while accurately reporting the goings-on of ECCS. The Classical Chronicle is sponsored by Mrs. Kristi Culpepper and meets after school one day per week.



The ECCS Beta Club is open to students in 7th-12th grades. It is a service-based honors society whose motto is “Let us lead by serving others.” The club provides various opportunities throughout the year for students to serve the school and the community. The academic requirement for joining is at least an 85 percent grade average. Students must participate in service projects each year in order to be readmitted into the Beta Club the following year. The club sponsor is Amy Goodsell.



Logic Scholars’ Bowl is a program based on the quiz bowl model, in which 2 teams of 4-6 students match up in head-to-head competition to answer questions from a variety of subjects, including mathematics, history, geography, literature, religion, fine arts, science, sports, and pop culture. The ECCS Logic Scholars’ Bowl team competes in tournaments across central Alabama, including in Montgomery, West Point, Hoover, and Alabaster. We practice together once a week from 3:30 - 4:30, competing in mock matches, while also engaging in camaraderie and team-building.



Scholars Bowl is a competitive quiz bowl team which tests your knowledge on everything from mythology to music, and statistics to Star Wars. Tournaments are held on Saturdays at different schools throughout the state. The team holds weekly practices. travels to three or four tournaments in the fall, and then attends the district tournament in February.



The mission of the National Junior Classical League is to encourage an interest in and an appreciation for the language, literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome while creating an awareness of the debt of our own culture owes to that of Classical antiquity. Toward this end, the officers each year try to plan a variety of activities including an initiation, various excursions and opportunities to use spoken Latin, as well as attending the annual state convention in the spring.



The Rhetoric School Student Government Association serves Evangel by being one of the interfaces between the administration and the Rhetoric student body. In addition to serving as a channel for student interests and concerns to the administration, the Rhetoric SGA, together with the Logic school SGA, also helps to plan and host events like the “Back to School Tailgate,” the “See You at the Pole prayer meeting,” and the Grandparents' Day program. This student organization is made up of the Rhetoric SGA president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer, and communications officers, the officers for the senior and junior classes, the house senators and representatives from the sophomore and freshmen classes.



The Logic School Student Government Association serves Evangel by being one of the interfaces between the administration and the Logic student body. In addition to serving as a channel for student interests and concerns to the administration, the Logic SGA, together with the Rhetoric school SGA, also helps to plan and host events like the” Back to School Tailgate”, the “See You at the Pole prayer meeting,” and the Grandparent’s Day program. This student organization is made up of the Logic SGA president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer, and communications officers and the representatives of the sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade classes.



“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”- Matthew 10:45


The ECCS Mission Club exists to equip students to carry out the Great Commission around the corner and around the world. We meet regularly to share our mission experiences and receive mission updates. We minister to missionaries by praying for them and sending letters of encouragement. Members also initiate and support mission supply drives for Kids Konnect 4 Jesus, as well as other mission opportunities and service projects.



ECCS students have the privilege of participating in the athletic ministry of Evangel Christian School, a home school umbrella of Evangel Church. Students, grades 7th-12th, can try out for varsity and junior varsity baseball, softball, football, volleyball, cheerleading, color guard, and boys and girls basketball and soccer. ECS has rich history of athletic accomplishment and strives to use its athletic ministry to develop the faith and the character of its participants. To learn more about this generous opportunity provided by Evangel Christian School please follow the link below to their home page.


 Evangel Home School

Evangel Football
Evangel Cheerleaders


One of our most beloved ECCS traditions is the annual Logic School Cotillion. Each winter, our sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students gather for a formal evening of dinner and dancing. The students practice traditional etiquette and ballroom dancing. The goal of the evening is to cultivate strong friendships among the students and give them an opportunity to honor one another.

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